Sunday, October 10, 2021

Feedback Thoughts

How to get past negativity bias

I related to this article quite a lot as it speaks facts about negativity and how it happens for a lot of people in the way that they test etc.


The point made about how a person could have many Positive things happen to them in one day but the one negative thing that happens is the one they focus on the most.


It’s a very true statement and something that a lot of people struggle with and I myself used to be one of those people but I’m not anymore because the way I deal with it is i always try to learn something from a negative situation because I’m my opinion there’s always something to learn from a negative situation and that makes me feel a lot better after a negative situation and move on from it a lot quicker because I make it benefit me instead of the other way around.


I like the technique that Hanson came up with as it give people a chance or a new learning on how to deal with a negative situation if they don’t currently have one because it teaches them to know what a positive situation feels like and let it overshadow the negative situations by embracing the positive ones so overall I though this was a great article to read on this topic.

A fixed mindset could be holding you back

I enjoy really about growth mindset a lot I think it’s a very interesting topic and something that should be spoke about more throughout the world and thought about more.

In my opinion I think it’s important to have a growth mindset and learn that you are capable of so much more if you put your mind to it and you shouldn’t block yourself and tell yourself otherwise. 


Learning how to overcome a fixed mindset seems like a challenge but something that everyone thinks they have one should think about and try to adapt to a growth mindset.


I myself feel like I am capable of a lot more when I put my mind to it and really harness my skills in my overall life not just in academics but in a lot of aspects in my life we as humans are really capable for a lot more then we think so I feel that I have a growth mindset for sure and At-least in most aspects I do anyway.

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